
Document the Atrocities

In our last post, we shared a couple of whoppers that Bob Schaffer told the public, captured by Colorado Media Matters. And while Colorado Media Matters documented two big ones, the whole love-fest between former state Senators Schaffer and Andrews was loaded with whoppers. And not just whoppers, but outrageous statements.

Listen to the whole thing, but make sure you remove all sharp objects form your immediate vicinity beforehand.

It's curious how Schaffer and Andrews believe that by deluding themselves into thinking that the far-right of the authoritarian far-right is moderate, while libertarians (like Mark Udall) are to the right of that. It's really twisted.

By their logic, James Dobson and Pat Robertson are moderates, but David Harsanyi and Dave Barry are far-right extremists. According to Schaffer's thinking, Mark Udall is a "Boulder liberal" but he's also a far-right extremist.

By Schaffer's logic, religious mandates such as the ten commandments in every public school classroom, jailing gays, and charging doctors with murder is moderate, but not enforcing those selective religious mandates makes you a far-right extremist.

Schaffer really would be a perfect Senator for the dark ages.

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