

It's really disturbing how much the Republican Party has lost its way in Colorado. It's a party so bereft of ideas and talent that the best they can do is to call Mark Udall and those who support him names. Dick Wadhams thinks that if he says "Boulder liberal" enough, Mark Udall will turn to stone. And Ben DeGrow and his crew of College Republican chums call the Sierra Club "environmental extremists."

Note to Ben: ELF is an environmental extremist group.

The Sierra Club is to environmentalism as Lutherans are to Christianity. The Traditional Values Coalition, on the other hand, is to Christianity what ELF is to environmentalism.

Bob Schaffer has been chummy with Lou "Lucky Louie" Sheldon and the TVC since way back before their Saipan sweatshop and parasailing tour together. Bob Schaffer and his supporters are so extreme that they think anyone to their left is an extremist.


Allen said...

"The Sierra Club is to environmentalism as Lutherans are to Christianity."

Really? An organization that opposed building a bridge over the St. Croix river over a couple fish and snails is not extreme?

Factuality said...

Do you expect a serious response when you claim that they are opposing a bridge over "a couple fish and snails?"

Last Friday I opposed eating at a French restaurant over a couple of fish and snails. Sorry, just not a big snail fan.

I know nothing about the bridge project to which you refer, but to measure a group's supposed extremism in terms of "a couple fish and snails" shows that you are not interested in understanding their point of view. Not worthy of any response at all, other than I thought it was too ridiculous not to chuckle and comment.