
Unincorporated Boulder County Liberal

Bob Schaffer must think that if he says "Boulder liberal" three times and clicks his heels that Jack Abramoff and Bill Orr will go away.

Not that there's anything wrong with hailing from Boulder, home of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute, and other notable conservative individuals and organizations. But when Bob Schaffer uses the term "Boulder liberal" and simultaneously claims through his henchman Dick Wadhams that Mark Udall moved to Eldorado Springs to avoid his "boulder roots," but also that Udall's house is not in Eldorado Springs but in Boulder he is just plain wrong.

Lynn Bartels: "Here's the kicker: Udall has never lived in Boulder's city limits."

Never. Not before, not now. Schaffer and Wadhams have access to the same maps everyone else does. They know better. They are not merely incorrect, but they are lying. Spreading a falsehood with the intent to deceive.

If there's one word that sums up Bob Schaffer's candidacy, it has to be 'dishonest.' Schaffer has been obfuscating his own positions, lying about Mark Udall's, and wasting so much oxygen on the deliberate falsehood of "Boulder liberal" that we wonder if there is any truthfulness at all in his campaign.

Bob Schaffer has a well-documented, fringe-conservative record. It's a record that served him well as professional politician since age 25. Until Schaffer edited his bio to make himself look like a moderate (with no evidence to back that up), his claim was that Republicans have lost because they aren't right-wing enough. Schaffer should run on his record. He's going to have an uphill battle if everything that comes out of his mouth is unsupported by facts.

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